Monday, May 20, 2013

6 Months Old

It's so hard to believe that Abigail is now 6 months old.  She's not our little baby anymore.  It won't be long now until we have to childproof the house!

Miss Independent

A couple weeks ago Johnathan was too slow giving Abigail a bottle so she just reached out and took it.

Kylah better watch out.  Abigail is determined to get to her.  I'm pretty sure that when Abigail learns to crawl the first thing she goes after will be Kylah.

 Abigail is getting better about sitting up although as soon as she reaches to one side or the other for a toy she topples over and then decides just to stay on her stomach and play.

May Days

Every morning after a mid-morning snack of oatmeal and fruit, Abigail gets a stack of books read to her.  Johnathan gets to read to her on the weekends.   

She loves rolling around on her mat and trying to pull the animals off.  
She can get the giraffe every time now.

Daddy's girl

It finally got warm enough for her to wear shorts.

Nana and Paw-paw stopped by for a visit.  Nana got to read the stack of books that day!

Definitely a Daddy's Girl

First Mother's Day.  Abigail gave me two ferns.  Hey, it was what I wanted.

My brother Jeff's family stopped by when they were passing through town.  Lucy and Macy are so cute and were excited to see their little cousin.  

Lucy had a hard time holding onto Abigail since she is so wiggly now!

My two girls

The New House is Starting to Look Like a House

Progress is finally starting to be made on the house.  During the month of May we've gone from foundation walls...

To a basement floor...

To framing the rest of the basement walls...

To framing the main floor.  This is a view looking into the garage.

The front of the house - they've only done one tiny section of the second floor.

Johnathan and Abigail are standing in the living room.

5 Months Old

Time flies.  Abigail turned 5 months old on April 20.  It amazes me how fast she is growing up and learning to do more and more.