Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Laid Back Thanksgiving Weekend

Abigail had her one year vaccines Thanksgiving week and Johnathan had some work he wanted to do at the new house so we decided to stay home and have a low key Thanksgiving.  

Abigail is showing Kylah her new toys.

Enjoying leftover over mac & cheese from her party.

Hanging out in her chair.

Johnathan's parents stopped by Thanksgiving night on their way back to Florida.

Playing in the leaves again.  

Checking out the holly bushes.  She doesn't seem to care that they are prickly.


Happy 1st Birthday Abigail!

The first year has flown by.  I couldn't believe it when November 20 arrived and my baby girl turned one!

On the night of Abigail's birthday, we just had a quiet family celebration for her.  She got to enjoy her first piece of cake (thanks Harris Teeter for the free cake for her birthday!)

Note to self, do NOT get a cake with blue frosting in the future.

After cake, we did presents.  Abigail was more interested in the bows...

and standing on the boxes.

That weekend we had a party for her.  It was a farm theme and yes, I made the cake.  Yeah, I know you are impressed.  Ha!

Yum, chocolate!

All the Barnwell cousins - from left to right - Anna Grace, Madeline, Abigail, Lucy, Macy

Enjoying her new rocking chair from Nana and Paw-Paw.

I love how all her cousins took over and helped her get the presents opened.  Maybe she'll figure out the unwrapping party in time for Christmas.

Abigail and Kylah

Abigail is constantly following Kylah around

And trying to love on her.  It's so cute.  Fortunately Kylah is pretty tolerant.

Kylah had eye surgery and had to wear the satellite dish for a couple weeks.  She was like a giant wrecking ball walking through the house.

Abigail is trying to share her toys with Kylah.  So cute!

Fall Days

Wandering around in the field in front of the new house on one of our many, many trips out there to check on the progress.

Playing in the leaves with her daddy.

A morning at the park with Madeline and Anna Grace.  It was the first time Abigail had been in a swing and of course she loved it.

I'm not sure how she managed to get her arm out of her shirt during her nap, but this is what I found when I went to get her one afternoon.

First Halloween

Walking around with her baby-sized pumpkin

We decided to put Abigail in the stroller and walk around the neighborhood while all the kids were out trick-or-treating.  Johnathan insisted she have a costume which consisted of face paint whiskers and pipe cleaner cat ears.  She was not pleased.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October Days / 11 Months Old

Kylah has learned that she has to share her bed with Abigail. It's Abigail's favorite spot to read books and play with toys.

Practicing her driving

 Who needs pants

 And she's walking!  She took her first steps the end of September and by the middle of October she was walking most of the time and only crawling if she really needed to get somewhere fast. 

She's getting faster and faster 

Johnathan's words were "like mother, like daughter"

"Hey, whatcha got there?"

Sharing apple crisp with her daddy

 Eleven months old.  She's not a baby at all anymore.

More books please

Who knew baked beans and macaroni and cheese would be such a hit.
 She was shoving it in by the handfuls