Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October Days / 11 Months Old

Kylah has learned that she has to share her bed with Abigail. It's Abigail's favorite spot to read books and play with toys.

Practicing her driving

 Who needs pants

 And she's walking!  She took her first steps the end of September and by the middle of October she was walking most of the time and only crawling if she really needed to get somewhere fast. 

She's getting faster and faster 

Johnathan's words were "like mother, like daughter"

"Hey, whatcha got there?"

Sharing apple crisp with her daddy

 Eleven months old.  She's not a baby at all anymore.

More books please

Who knew baked beans and macaroni and cheese would be such a hit.
 She was shoving it in by the handfuls


  1. She can't be almost 1 -- where has this year gone?!? Precious Abigail!

  2. We can't wait to see her walking around!
