Tuesday, October 29, 2013

August / 9 months old

Pulling up quickly became a regular thing.

 Kylah was a favorite target of Abigail's.  Poor dog has to share everything now.

To be clear, Abigail is NOT a Red Sox fan, but our friend Jeremy took this picture when he was over one evening and it is too cute not to share!

Johnathan had an Air Force trip to Puerto Rico so Abigail, Kylah and I went to Lenoir for the weekend to visit Mam-Maw.

Posing in the red rocking chair that belonged to Paw-Paw.  She wasn't too sure about the chair.

Nine months old!  She doesn't want to sit quietly anymore.

She got to enjoy her first baseball game during Appalachian night at the Carolina Mudcats game.  She loved the music.

Helping me decide what to make for dinner.

We took Abigail to get her 9 month picture made but I didn't want to put her in the dress until the last minute so she had to go out in public looking like this.  She looks like she's ready for a dance routine on Toddlers and Tiaras.

Abigail and her father are NOT morning people.

Playing in the grass.

The start of football season!!!!

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