Saturday, June 8, 2013

House Updates

The house is still in the framing process but we are seeing progress each time we go take a look.
View from the back.

 View from the front

Upstairs looking down the hallway toward the master bedroom

Upstairs looking toward the bonus room

More progress on the second floor and the roof is underway

Lots of progress while we were at the lake!  The roof is on, dormers are framed and they are working on the front porch.

View from the back

View from the side

On the Move

Abigail is getting better every day at rolling and scooting.  I have a feeling crawling isn't far behind.  I've noticed that Kylah has stopped laying on her bed by the fireplace during the day.  Now I think I know why...

Notice how almost the entire floor is covered with toys for Abigail and then notice where she ended up.

I love this expression.  She has finally started to smile when we pull out the camera instead of staring at it in fear.  I know I am biased but I think she has the best smile!

At the Lake

Johnathan's brother's family flew in from Albuquerque the beginning of June so we all met up at Johnathan's parents' house at Smith Mountain Lake for a few days.  One day while we were there, Johnathan, Abigail and I toured the National D-Day Memorial in nearby Bedford, VA.

We also spent lots of time hanging out on the dock.  Johnathan, the engineer, constructed a play area for Abigail out of pool noodles and chairs so she couldn't roll off the dock.  She loved spending time outside and we were lucky that it wasn't too hot.

Johnathan showed off his water skiing skills while we were there.

Our niece Julia and nephew Ryan were a big help at the lake.  They spent a lot of time entertaining Abigail so that Johnathan and I could relax a little. 

Final Days of May, Happy Birthday Kylah

I think Kylah may finally be warming up to Abigail.  She surprised me by laying down right next to her one evening.  Maybe she's figured out that Abigail is going to be dropping a lot of food on the floor in the near future.

Abigail keeps getting closer and closer to Kylah's bed.  I love the look these two are giving each other.

Kylah celebrated her 16th birthday on May 29.  It's hard to believe she and I have been together so long.  She's been through a lot of changes with me...and I'm pretty sure she never envisioned spending her senior years with a baby!

Abigail and I took a trip to McDonalds to get Kylah her traditional birthday lunch - hamburger with no onions and french fries that she is always forced to share with me.

Abigail participated in a study at Duke University in the Infant Cognitive Center.  They are studying how babies process and understand quantities.  She had to watch tv screens with changing formations and quantities of dots and the researchers tracked how long she stared at each screen.  She got this certificate for participating along with a t-shirt.