Saturday, June 8, 2013

At the Lake

Johnathan's brother's family flew in from Albuquerque the beginning of June so we all met up at Johnathan's parents' house at Smith Mountain Lake for a few days.  One day while we were there, Johnathan, Abigail and I toured the National D-Day Memorial in nearby Bedford, VA.

We also spent lots of time hanging out on the dock.  Johnathan, the engineer, constructed a play area for Abigail out of pool noodles and chairs so she couldn't roll off the dock.  She loved spending time outside and we were lucky that it wasn't too hot.

Johnathan showed off his water skiing skills while we were there.

Our niece Julia and nephew Ryan were a big help at the lake.  They spent a lot of time entertaining Abigail so that Johnathan and I could relax a little. 

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