Thursday, January 16, 2014

Christmas 2013

We wanted to get Abigail's picture in front of the tree this year.  The only way we could keep her still was to put her in the rocking chair but then the challenge was getting her to keep her legs down!

 We went to my parents' house the weekend before Christmas for the Barnwell celebration.  It was chaos with 5 little girls and a huge pile of presents!

Abigail was more interested in pulling the ornaments off of Nana's tree.

 And playing with the ribbons
The beads on the tree were most exciting of all!

She did finally pay attention to presents at the end.

Christmas morning Abigail had presents from Santa and from us.  Unfortunately, she also had a cold so she didn't get to enjoy her presents as much as she wanted.  She did at least get the hang of opening presents.

My two girls

We went to Johnathan's parents' house Christmas afternoon where Abigail had more presents to open.

A few days after Christmas, Johnathan's brother's family came to visit.  The kids had a good time playing together.

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