Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October Days / 11 Months Old

Kylah has learned that she has to share her bed with Abigail. It's Abigail's favorite spot to read books and play with toys.

Practicing her driving

 Who needs pants

 And she's walking!  She took her first steps the end of September and by the middle of October she was walking most of the time and only crawling if she really needed to get somewhere fast. 

She's getting faster and faster 

Johnathan's words were "like mother, like daughter"

"Hey, whatcha got there?"

Sharing apple crisp with her daddy

 Eleven months old.  She's not a baby at all anymore.

More books please

Who knew baked beans and macaroni and cheese would be such a hit.
 She was shoving it in by the handfuls

New House Photos - Finally

After a LONG delay trying to get the brick color straightened out, the house finally started moving along again.  
Garage side - you can tell where the brick was replaced because the mortar isn't as dry yet as the rest.

Fall Beach Weekend

We joined several friends of ours for a long weekend at Kure Beach, NC.  Since the weather was a little chilly for the beach, we took Abigail to the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher one day.  She loved trying to touch the fish...until she got frustrated that she couldn't actually touch them.

A little beach time before sunset

Braving the fall weather the next day

Mountain Getaway for the Grown-ups

With the government shutdown on Oct. 1 Johnathan's Reserve weekend was canceled so we had a chance for a last minute getaway.  Unfortunately it was also leaf season in the mountains so we could only find a hotel room for one night, but it was worth it just to have a little time alone and drop Abigail and Kylah off with Nana and Paw-Paw.  

We went hiking in Dupont State Forest.  If you've seen Hunger Games or Last of the Mohicans you may recognize the waterfalls.

The next day we stopped off at a couple apple orchards.  You can't go to Hendersonville in the fall without stopping for some apples!

September / 10 months old

Kiwi and toast with cream cheese = happy girl. 

Loving some fried okra like any good Southern girl!

Even though it was September, it didn't really feel like fall.

American Idol 2029

Johnathan was determined to give her a mohawk.

Football season

She's got her purse and she's ready to go shopping.  Johnathan got the bag as part of his Subway kid's meal while he was on an Air Force trip.  I wish I could have seen him walking around in his flight suit carrying his lunch in a little pink bag!

10 months old! 

Reading her books.  She will sit and play with her books for half an hour or more.

August / 9 months old

Pulling up quickly became a regular thing.

 Kylah was a favorite target of Abigail's.  Poor dog has to share everything now.

To be clear, Abigail is NOT a Red Sox fan, but our friend Jeremy took this picture when he was over one evening and it is too cute not to share!

Johnathan had an Air Force trip to Puerto Rico so Abigail, Kylah and I went to Lenoir for the weekend to visit Mam-Maw.

Posing in the red rocking chair that belonged to Paw-Paw.  She wasn't too sure about the chair.

Nine months old!  She doesn't want to sit quietly anymore.

She got to enjoy her first baseball game during Appalachian night at the Carolina Mudcats game.  She loved the music.

Helping me decide what to make for dinner.

We took Abigail to get her 9 month picture made but I didn't want to put her in the dress until the last minute so she had to go out in public looking like this.  She looks like she's ready for a dance routine on Toddlers and Tiaras.

Abigail and her father are NOT morning people.

Playing in the grass.

The start of football season!!!!